Thursday 8 June 2017

Yr9 Task - Thurs 8th June

Use the ‘About the BBC’ and ‘Inside the BBC’ sections of the BBC website to research the following questions. Create a fact file about the BBC with this information.

1.     What does BBC stand for?
2.     When was the BBC set up?
3.     Create a brief timeline (choose between 5 and 10 key events) of the BBC’s history.
4.     Who is the Director-General of the BBC? What is his/her role?
5.     How is the BBC funded? Can you find any specific figures?
6.     The BBC is established under a Royal Charter. What does this mean?
7.     What services do the BBC provide? List as many as you can.
8.     How does the BBC differ from other organisations who offer similar services?
9.     The BBC must be impartial. What does this mean?
10.  What is the BBC’s belief about diversity?
11.  What are the BBC’s six ‘Public Purposes’? What do they mean?

12.  What BBC services do you use? What specific programmes/webpages etc. do you use?

Thursday 23 March 2017

Booking Equipment

If you would like to book out any of the department equipment to complete controlled assessment tasks, you can do so here.

Monday 31 October 2016

VALS (Values and Lifestyles)

Thinkers- is a category of people who are motivated by ideals. Order, knowledge and responsibility are important to them. They are well educated. Reasonable incomes.

Values are: Durability, functionality, value in products.

Thinks about things before they do it.

Well educated and usually have high paying jobs.

Believers- is a category of people who are motivated by ideals. Moral codes and established order are important to them.

Values are: Familiar products and tend to be loyal customers.

Who are stuck into their own ideals, to the point of forcing it on others. They are also not interested in change. Stick to the same thing. Older people who didn’t grow up with this often stick with this. Asks opinions before even considering, will try to test it before also.

Achievers- Motivated by the desire to succeed and are goal orientated, they are not big TV watchers and are time savers because they are always busy.

Strivers- Want to be something, but can’t quite get there, they are active consumers (as much as allows). People who’ll try everything new. Almost opposite to a believer. Constantly looking for better. When they find something new they will stick to it, then change once something better appears. Youth will often fall into this category as they grew up with this constant change.

Experiencers- they are motivated by self-expression. They will try anything, go out and do anything. They are people that are enthusiastic and are Avid consumers. They go out and buy every brand new product. They have to keep up with trends.

Makers- Motivated by self-expression, practical work is a focus, tend to be suspicious and they are people that tend to be unimpressed by material possessions. They are more comfortable with basics rather than luxury gifts. Very kinaesthetic. Would probably watch bigger, better, faster; Top Gear; cooking shows. People into making and doing something.

Innovators- Large disposable income, and they are people who enjoy the finer things in life. They are successful and sophisticated. Younger people in 20 to early 30’s. City life style. Depicted on a lot of lifestyle programs, eg desperate housewives is a suburbia version of them.

Survivors- People with few resources are considered survivors. They will be loyal to familiar brands and are modest consumers. People who can survive on nothing or need the minimum to survive, not interested in trends as long as they're comfortable.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Trailers for Lesson 9

In your pairs, select which of the following trailers you would like to study. No more than 3 pairs can look at each trailer.

  1. Watch your chosen trailer
  2. Make notes on your planning/analysis sheet
  3. Create a powerpoint presentation that answers the following questions:

  • Who is the intended target audience of the trailer?
  • How can you tell?
  • How does the trailer tell a story to the audience?
  • How does it make them want to watch the film?


Star Wars - Rogue One

The Jungle Book


Jason Bourne


Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them